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Guides Draw Order and Edit Priorities

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Guides Draw Order and Edit Priorities

Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:15 am
I noticed two issues that I think are not consistent on how guides work along with a transformation tool (like perspective tool):

  1. When the transformation tool is active, guides draw order are sent to the transformation layer back. This isn't good if we are using them to reference our transformation as we can hardly see them through the transformation layer. In order to see them we have to manipulate transparency. If this is by design, we could have the option to always show them on top.
  2. When we try to manipulate the transformation tools, we always grab guide lines instead of the transformation tool grips, if they on top of each other. This seems strange as one of the purpose of guides is to help us on aligning stuff, but what really matters is to be able to be able to perform that transformation action, not to manipulate guides. We can manipulate them after performing the transformation tool. This also happens if guides are distant from our layers, even if they seem to be sufficiently far away. This distance also seems to not be measured by screen distance but in drawing pixels, so zooming in will not solve the issue.

Here's a gif that describes the two issues above:


I also noticed that happening with many other tools.

For instance you can't draw a rectangle using four guides to snap to their intersections. You can start a rectangle on empty space and finish it at some guide, but you cannot start a rectangle on top of a guide as if you click on that location Krita will start editing the guide instead of drawing the first rectangle corner. In that situation Krita will not allow you to draw the rectangle.

In the case of select tool this should also be considered as selecting a shape that is on top of a guide should be possible. Selecting a guide should also be possible but a solution should be considered that allows us to cycle through guides or layers. If the solution isn't easy to implement, consider that the guide is infinite and we will be able to select it if we zoom out, but we can never select a shape on top of a guide if the guides unless we make guide invisible. Making them invisible can also be a solution but it defeats the point of working with them.

Overal I think draw order and edition of guides should happen the opposite way: guides draw order should have priority while edition when a tool is active should always be secondary.

Select tool should be considered as a special scenario and a way to choose what to do should be considered, though manipulating our tools and layers should take priority over manipulating guides.

Having said this, thanks for your wonderful work with Krita. It's brilliant!

Kind regards,

Registered Member
I've only skimmed your post but the following stood out to me:
JQL wrote:For instance you can't draw a rectangle using four guides to snap to their intersections. You can start a rectangle on empty space and finish it at some guide, but you cannot start a rectangle on top of a guide as if you click on that location Krita will start editing the guide instead of drawing the first rectangle corner. In that situation Krita will not allow you to draw the rectangle.

In the Grids and Guides docker, Guides tab, you need to enable/check/tick the Lock Guides box to prevent guide position editing when you place the 'not drawing' cursor near a guide. After you do that, the rectangle drawing and other shape and the selection tools will snap to a guide as you start drawing. You have to be quite close for snapping but it does work ok.


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