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Changing Font Size in Plasma 5 Neon killed Menu

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In addition to no support yet for dual monitors, Another neat trick Plasma 5 Neon played on me, was to kill my start menu or what we used to cal the K Menu.

I used System Settings > Fonts and changed my fonts from 10pt to 14pt.

Clicked the menu button, and the menu flashed up briefly on the screen, before disappearing and leaving just a faint regtangular outline where it used to be.

Obviously that means I cannot get into System Settings > Fonts again to change it back again. Alt + F2 hasn;t been a lot of help either, so I am purging and reinstalling with the bleeding edge release instead of the weekly snapshot, to see if that has any fixes.

I am using an AMD processor and ATI radeon on board (shared) graphics.
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How old is your snapshot? I thought this bug was fixed already.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
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Apparently not. I just did:
sudo apt-get purge project-neon5-*
sudo apt-get autoremove
Then after that I went in and removed all the folders and files I could find with neon in their names.
Then I deleted everything with neon I could find in .kde in my home directory, because yesterday when I was trying to fix this I purged and reinstalled and it came up with the settings from the stuff I had purged.

Anyway, long story longer, after reading the reply, I just did all that purging and deleting then reinstalled and guess what.
Neon opened up with exactly the same settings and the same problem.

I mean I even used root terminal to find everything with "*neon*" on the filename and it came up empty before I reinstalled. So it looks like neon is hiding settings somewhere and when it is reinstalled, it reads those config files. but they must be in a directory that doesn;t have neon in the name.

I give up. It was kind of cute to look at, and usually I like playing with new stuff. But it is horribly slow at the moment and the constant flickering and leaving drop shadows of closed windows of the screen was getting annoying anyway.
I'm glad however that the team was smart enough to install it somewhere that it can;t wreck the established system :-)
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Would you mind posting a bug at with the exact steps you did to cause this issue? At least it can be then determined if it's an upstream (Plasma 5) or downstream (Kubuntu) issue.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
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einar wrote:Would you mind posting a bug at with the exact steps you did to cause this issue? At least it can be then determined if it's an upstream (Plasma 5) or downstream (Kubuntu) issue.

I could I suppose, but I'm using Mint 17 KDE, so it is possible that is the issue. Also, because I cannot get neon to reinstall, no matter what I purge or delete, I am unable to attempt to replicate it.
I'll explain what I did again here, and if you think it warrants a bug report I am happy to report it.

I installed what I hope was the kf5-weekly-snapshot ppa.
I updated the apt and installed neon.
I logged out of Mint 17 KDE and logged into Neon5.
I discovered there was no way to adjust display settings in System Settings > Display and Monitor (so I posted about it here).
I opened System Settings > Fonts and 'Change All Fonts, and chose 14pt and applied it.
Tried the Menu and it just flashed on the screen and disappeared. Each time it is clicked it does the same.
I installed the Launcher as a Desktop Widget, in case it was a Panel problem, but it did the same.

What I did NOT try, and only thought of it now, was to resize the panel in case it is a problem with the font being too big for the panel.
I am about to see if that makes a difference. If it does I'll edit this post.

If you think what I just described warrants a bug report, let me know and I'll try to find out the procedure.


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The display monitor control panel was ported to KF5 (I used it), however it may not be packaged. See if "kscreen5" or similar packages are available.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
Registered Member
I'll try again in a few weeks when a few of the bugs might be ironed out further. I'm still trying to find where the settings for Neon are hiding after everything is supposedly purged. As soon as I reinstall, back come all my desktop settings and wallpapers. But they are different from the settings and wallpapers I have in Plasma 4.xx.

It has me stuffed at the moment.
Registered Member
Ok, it is 2 weeks later. I downloaded and installed neon again. K menu was still just flashing on briefly then dying, but this time I could get ALT+F2 to take me into the system menu and the fonts option and change it back to 12 point, which gave me a working K menu afterwards.

There is still no option to set up monitors (single or, in my case, dual) so no chance to change resolutions etc either.

Click n Wait seems to be the order of the day. Click the K menu, count to 10, keep counting, wait for it... There. A menu. Now do the same again to get settings, and so on. Screen flickering and shadows of th dear departed last dialog still plague neon.

There was no option to open Synaptic to check if there might be a package to alow monitor adjustments because trying to run Synaptic gave a libkdeinit somethign or other was not found in /opt/something error. So I tried apt-get and it returned a package not found message.

I'll look again in another couple of weeks and see if there is a way to set up the screens.

Neon looks pretty though, the way the screen flashes and shakes when I move the mouse, and the way it leaves the old window open as a reminder after it has actually closed. (I have to quickly change to another workspace and back to actually clear the closed window off the screen.

I have no idea what is driving the compositing engine now but it really is a failure just at the moment. I'm typing this however back in the current Plasma that is in Mint 17 KDE and it is workingn perfectly. Obviously Neon is veryt much a work in progress, It will be interesting to see how it progresses over the next couple of years to a release candidate.

EDIT - - That was not meant to be sarcastic. it was acknowledging that I am aware Neon is still very much an experiment.
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Can you provide some details on your graphical setup? These sorts of things shouldn't be happening - as the compositing system hasn't been changed significantly.

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