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Can't use plasma-desktop cause sddm...

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david_edmundson wrote:That will display it, you won't be able to log in though. There are additional security checks.

Hm. It works fine here (openSUSE 13.2, sddm 0.11.0)...

I can login as root just fine using sddm, even to Plasma5.

timnicholson wrote:I tried
Code: Select all
 xdg-su -c systemsettings5
as that su style matched other menu items

xdg-su just calls kdesu in the end if you are running it in a KDE session.
But as a menu item it is preferable because it tries to figure out which desktop you are running, and do "the right thing".

Now to see why Dolphin isn't taking the change of coiour...

I remember some problems with saving the color schemes (months ago), duplicated entries that overwrote each other and such.
Should be fixed I believe, but you might have some debris in the file...
So maybe try to remove /root/.config/kdeglobals first before configuring it again.
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Confirming that loging in as root works in Arch Linux as well.
Is this something that has changed in SDDM/Plasma 5 or is it a "feature" that is supposed to be a bug?
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"SDDM maintainer here, eliasp is right you can't log in as root.
It's explicitly banned and we won't add it in the future. "

That's hubris because root SSDM logins work fine.

Just who the h&!! do the maintainers think they are to deny users the historical "run as root" facility?

Bear cub programmers are to young to remember the good ole IBM days when EVERYONE WAS ROOT!

I wrote my first code in 1962 and only run as root. Either support root logins or I will publish a patch to do so.

If the maintainers are afraid to run as root they shouldn’t be coding in the first place.

age 72
RPI' '64 & '66

PS "is Computer Science?"
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tedcxx wrote:Just who the h&!! do the maintainers think they are to deny users the historical "run as root" facility?

Bear cub programmers are to young to remember the good ole IBM days when EVERYONE WAS ROOT!

I wrote my first code in 1962 and only run as root. Either support root logins or I will publish a patch to do so.

If the maintainers are afraid to run as root they shouldn’t be coding in the first place.

Thank you, that had to be said !

Whenever the word root pops up in some question, there will be someone to say "oh you are not supposed to use the root account", like brain washed sheeps.

Maybe you should include an age or distro restriction into your patch - no root login for people under 40 or bluntu users >:D
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It is unacceptable that a small group of programmer and/or project managers to empower themselves to think in place of a million users.
We quietly return to the Middle Ages era.
I don't need to be forbidden to do things the way I want.
If I break my system, it's my fault; and I have been sufficiently warned.
I wonder if I have better to return to Microsoft window.
Is this a "I cannot shoot myself by running a root session" rant?
Just use another session manager (xdm? There're plenty of them) or just startx (automatically, you probably don't need a session manager or passwort anyway) - but frankly: I'd rather prefer to have you use windows than working on creating a network of insecure POSIX systems which malware authors can rely on.

I do personally not necessarily like the idea of telling users what's right/best for them, but if you're truely desperate to really use a root session to your own and everyone elses risk, please do everyone else a favor and use windows. Thanks.
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luebking wrote:Is this a "I cannot shoot myself by running a root session" rant?
Just use another session manager (xdm? There're plenty of them) or just startx (automatically, you probably don't need a session manager or passwort anyway) - but frankly: I'd rather prefer to have you use windows than working on creating a network of insecure POSIX systems which malware authors can rely on.

I do personally not necessarily like the idea of telling users what's right/best for them, but if you're truely desperate to really use a root session to your own and everyone elses risk, please do everyone else a favor and use windows. Thanks.

You just confirm what schiffsratte and tedcxx said.
that it's not a good idea to run a session on root permissions despite it may have been "ok" 40 or 50 years ago??

now i'm curious: one reason why it makes sense to run the entire session on su privs, where each accident is fatal and an online connection deadly, please.
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I just installed Kali Linux to learn about penetration testing etc., have been using KDE for so long now am finding Kali very frustrating to use, so i thought maybe i could set up my own Kubuntu in a virtual box and get a Kde equivalant to a Kali and that's how i ended up in this forum, so i vote for root login for Kde if only for this single purpose. I cannot believe why so many people like that desktop Kali uses, it's terrible.
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fredwallataben wrote:so i thought maybe i could set up my own Kubuntu in a virtual box and get a Kde equivalant to a Kali and that's how i ended up in this forum, so i vote for root login for Kde if only for this single purpose.

Why would you need a root login for this?

And as I (and others) wrote, it should still be perfectly possible to login as root (unless your distribution disables that for some reason). SDDM just doesn't show the user "root" by default.
You can either enable it to show "root" (although there is not a simple "Show root" option), use a theme that allows to enter the user name manually, or you can also just as well use a different display manager (login screen) if you prefer.
As mentioned in this thread already.
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wolfi323 wrote:
fredwallataben wrote:so i thought maybe i could set up my own Kubuntu in a virtual box and get a Kde equivalant to a Kali and that's how i ended up in this forum, so i vote for root login for Kde if only for this single purpose.

Why would you need a root login for this?

Because in Kali Linux everything is done as root, the default install gives you a desktop and you are always logged in as root, most of the commands need root access, if you are not familiar with Kali Linux then check this out:
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luebking wrote:Is this a "I cannot shoot myself by running a root session" rant?
Just use another session manager (xdm? There're plenty of them) or just startx (automatically, you probably don't need a session manager or passwort anyway) - but frankly: I'd rather prefer to have you use windows than working on creating a network of insecure POSIX systems which malware authors can rely on.

I do personally not necessarily like the idea of telling users what's right/best for them, but if you're truely desperate to really use a root session to your own and everyone elses risk, please do everyone else a favor and use windows. Thanks.

What do you mean " working on creating a network of insecure POSIX systems which malware authors can rely on" That's not an inevitable consequence of individuals connected to the internet running their own machines as root. What a load of old cobblers and scaremongering in attempting to justify the unjustifiable.
I don't like the thought of some holier than thou 20 or 30 wet behind the ears pimply-faced somethings dictating to me the way I use my machine. I rarely run my desktop as root, but I don't want someone else to stop me. There are occasions when some operations on the desktop can only be done as root, otherwise there are convoluted and difficult solutions to follow which are usually hit and miss.

Gigabyte Z68XUD43B i7 16gb ram 8.25tb 2x evo250pro &120 evo ssd's GTS450 HR2210 TBS 6205 quad T2 tuner 64-bit Mythbuntu 16.*/W10 dual boot BE/FE Silicondust homerun dual network tuner 55¨ Samsung ES8000
Laptop Samsung Windows 10 64-bit/Kubuntu 16
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timnicholson wrote:
wolfi323 wrote:But as google01103 already wrote, you can run systemsettings as root in your user's session too like always. No need for running the whole desktop as root...
For Plasma5 you'd need to run "kdesu systemsettings5" though.

I tried
Code: Select all
 xdg-su -c systemsettings5
as that su style matched other menu items, but thought it hadn't worked. But this turned out to be something to do with Dolphin, it didn't show the colour change. However the mouse settings had stuck, as had the colour change on other windows. Thanks for the confirmation.

Now to see why Dolphin isn't taking the change of coiour...

There are some very good reasons to run the desktop as root when you have esoteric hardware for instance. I have a weird monitor setup using my Samsung 55" tv in the lounge through an HDMI extender system. This then gives very tiny fonts when running kdesudo or kdesu which are about 2 points and totally unreadable. The only way I have found to change them is to run a root desktop and alter the system settings there which then AND ONLY THEN makes the fonts readable when using kdesu or kdesudo.
It is possible to run sddm as root, I am doing so. You need to edit the /etc/sddm.conf file with the following:


If you don't have that file you can just create one.

The attitude of some developers who have posted on here is just patronising and childish. It is this man's computer, if he wants to do something with his system, who are you to tell him he can't? That's the whole point of linux, it is so configurable and each user can tweak it as he or she desires. Get off your high horses and just help the man out when he asks for help, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Best of luck, Tony.

Gigabyte Z68XUD43B i7 16gb ram 8.25tb 2x evo250pro &120 evo ssd's GTS450 HR2210 TBS 6205 quad T2 tuner 64-bit Mythbuntu 16.*/W10 dual boot BE/FE Silicondust homerun dual network tuner 55¨ Samsung ES8000
Laptop Samsung Windows 10 64-bit/Kubuntu 16
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one last thing to mention as I haven't seen it anywhere at all. The user that is being logged into MUST have a home directory, there was no error messages or indications of that error it simply flashed the console and brought me back to login. simple make sure when

> useradd -m <name>

you add the -m flag to add a home folder.


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