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Dr. Konqi --- 3 problems i found for Dr. Konqi in plasma5

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i wrote bug reports for this three problems also, but just so i share them also with the rest of the world on forum --- to see if im the only one who is experiencing this problems or maybe someone else also. :) Also, maybe they are not problems at all, or there is a workaround for them -- just so i know :)

Please forgive me if i wrote this message in the wrong part of the forum :)

here goes:
1. and 2. New Dr. Konqi --- when crash happens, i go through all the procedures for writing report and then at the end it says bug report has more than 65536 characters. I can save it, and report it manually, but like this -- i often dont know which component crashed -- dr. konqi attaches the bug report to the right component automatically without saying where it was going to attach it in case of error. This also raises a question, is there a way to report 70kB bugs (some of them automatically have a very long backtrace, it is not me, who writes a novel explaining what went wrong, i swear :-) --- until now i reported such bugs manually nad i divided the backtrace in 2 sometimes 3 posts. i assume this also has to do sth with bugzilla limitation (i dont know), in that case is it possible that dr. konqi would "split" this kind of .kcrash files into several messages himself and load them automatically. :-)
bug report:

3. When crash happens -- dr. konqi also gives you a chance to click on "debug in gdb" button. Then terminal opens and the message says something like gdb doesnt have sudo (root) privileges so it cannot start the procedure. not once in any crash gdb (in my case) could debug in terminal because of this error.
bug report:

4. Comparing error reports. If the crash is related to some bug and dr. konqi suggests it, you have a option to click "+ suggest this bug is related " (something like that). When you click on this button, nothing happens. Therefore from dr. konqi yo ucannot suggest this bug report is related. Stil, when the bug report is added to at the bottom of the message says "may be related by query: umber, number, number". So this is a minor thing. But still, a button in dr. konqi doesnt work.
bug report: (and its not a duplicate of the written bug, that problem was fixed (337742), but this one still persists).

there, for now thats it.

thank you! :)

nice day,

Simon :-)
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one more thing i forgot: if my kubuntu plasma5 vivid crashes during breeze splash screen, dr. konqi doesnt have privileges to report the bug --- i mean, for some reason it cannot open that window, where you input the password. and since i cannot, then dr. konqi cannot do anything - no backtrace, no additional symbols and no sending the bug report to :)

ps. now its not 3 its 5 problems already,..but since i cannot repair/edit the title of this message - it will stay at the number 3 (at least in the title) :-)

nice day



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