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Since i don't know how exactly to post this so it doesnt come out the wrong way, please forgive me.

I just wanted to suggest that you rename this "neon5-latest.iso" to something else, because neon5-latest, doesnt say much about what is hiding inside of the iso. And me, for example, would like to know, before downloading:

- this is a "vivid" or "wily" or some other release
- is it 32-bit or 64 bit release

also i think "neon5" was deprecated ..i mean..renamed to "kubuntu CI"... so the iso which would give me the information (at least on the page, it doesnt matter later what is the name of the actual iso file which is downloading, even though also it would make sense that they have the same name nomenclature) would be:


(it can be without the date though, since date is already specified in the next coulmn).

thank you!


ps. i appologize if i posted this in the wrong thread. Please move if necessary.

pps. this thread i also created in - in case if this question applies also there.

one other suggestion, if i may: i couldnt find the "wily" section in --- maybe it is not created yet even though kubuntu "wily" is already available for download & testing ( It would be also nice if you could create a section for kubuntu CI (and in it also subthread for bleeding edge testing).

Thank you :)
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KDE Developer
simonandric5 wrote:I just wanted to suggest that you rename this "neon5-latest.iso" to something else, because neon5-latest, doesnt say much about what is hiding inside of the iso.

The file you are refering to is a symlink to keep old references working. The new file is ... mirrorlist which in fact is also a symlink to the latest ISO whatever name that might have.

simonandric5 wrote: And me, for example, would like to know, before downloading:

- this is a "vivid" or "wily" or some other release

As far as we are concerned from a KDE point of view it is of little to no consequence what foundation the testing ISO is using, which is why the series name is not reflected. Neither is the Kubuntuness. This is primarily to keep a stable URL that does not change every 6 months or whenever one of name components change.

simonandric5 wrote:----------
one other suggestion, if i may: i couldnt find the "wily" section in --- maybe it is not created yet even though kubuntu "wily" is already available for download & testing ( It would be also nice if you could create a section for kubuntu CI (and in it also subthread for bleeding edge testing).

We generally do not have distribution specific subforums on, that's something for specific distributions forums (kubuntuforums etc.).

Testing discussion, I think, might be better done on the relevant development mailing lists. Developers do not always keep up with forum posts and testing feedback/discussion often doesn't stay relevant for very long. So, the less communication overhead the better. That's just my opinion though if you feel there is demand for such a forum you might want to get in touch with the forum administrators.

Hope this helps.

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