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Kwin settings

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Kwin settings

Fri May 22, 2015 1:02 pm
In KDE4 i had setuped kwin as following:
With 2 opened windows, i have for example the window A focused and using. When i click to window B one time, window A stays focused but inactive and window B is active.
In KDE5 kwin settings i can't find such option. Is this possible, will it be added in future update, or not?
Registered Member

Re: Kwin settings

Fri May 22, 2015 1:22 pm
nvm i found it :p
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Re: Kwin settings

Fri May 22, 2015 1:25 pm
gerstavros wrote:In KDE4 i had setuped kwin as following:
With 2 opened windows, i have for example the window A focused and using. When i click to window B one time, window A stays focused but inactive and window B is active.

How can a window be focused and inactive at the same time?

I think you rather mean window A stays at the top and is inactive, and window B is active but in the background, right?

That's possible in Plasma5 in the same way as in KDE4.
You can pin a window to the foreground by right-clicking on the title bar and choosing "Keep Above". If you activate a different window, the first one will stay on top but the second one will have focus/be activated.

Or configure the left mouse button to only activate a window on click and not raise it to the front.
You can do that in "Window Management"->"Window Behavior" ("Title Bar Actions" apply when you click on the title bar, "Window Actions" apply when you click elsewhere on the window), just select the desired action from the chooser. In your case you probably want "Activate" (or "Activate & Pass Click") instead of "Activate & Raise"/"Activate, Raise & Pass Click".

Re: Kwin settings

Fri May 22, 2015 3:10 pm
wolfi323 wrote:How can a window be focused and inactive at the same time?

I doubt he meant that and KWin doesn't support such configuration at all, but:
technically it's actually possible to have the input focus in a window different from _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
Also "focused" is semantically not equivalent to "active" (eg. a window may refuse the input focus but still become the active window - for shaded windows that happens all the time ;-)


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