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Auto hide is strangely hard to activate?

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Hello. I have just got Kubuntu 15.04 set up with Plasma 5. I have set the "taskbar" at the bottom of the screen to auto hide. I am using 120 dpi font scaling which is confusing some elements of the KDE interface.

I am finding it is very hard to activate the auto hidden taskbar. when i hover the mouse down there, I get a strange blue "highlight" partially stretching across the bottom of the screen:

Hovering over the blue pill does nothing. Clicking on the blue pill does nothing. I find I have to put the cursor down there and then move the mouse either to the left or the right. Typically I wind up "scrubbing" back and forth for a second or so, it's irritating and makes me feel like I am experiencing wrist strain.

I wonder:

- Is this intentional?
- Is this configurable? Could I make it pop up with a click, or just a hover instead of hover-and-scrub?
- Would the KDE team entertain a feature request to make it configurable?

The "blue pill" is just a reminder that your still inside the matr.... errrr.... that there's some panel ;-)
You can turn it off: "kcmshell5 kwineffects", filter for "screen edge" and deactivate it.

The "hard activation" is probably really a bug.
W/o going into details, run "kcmshell5 kwinscreenedges" and set the activation/reactivation delay to 0/500
The panel should show up as soon as you reach the screen edge now.

You btw. wouldn't have to scrub your screen, it's sufficient to contantly move the pointer against the edge.



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