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How to resize a window and launcher opacity

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I've just installed Fedora 22 with KDE 5. How do I resize a window? It seems that clicking on the (HUGE) border no longer works and I have to right click on the title bar then 'more actions'. Is it possible to have it the way it used to be?

Also, is there a setting for the opacity of the launcher? If there are windows open underneath the launcher then it can be very difficult to read it.
You can adjust the decoration size, run "breeze-settings5" and set the window decoration button size to "small"

Of course you're supposed to be able to resize the window by clicking the border and drag it - even if you don't use (visual) borders. If it doesn't work, that's a bug (but I've no idea what could be the problem, please post the output of
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qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation| grep -i plugin

A third way is btw. Alt+right mouse button (anywhere on the window)


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