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Some problems with twinview and colord

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Im using kubuntu 15.05 and I'm facing two major problems:

I have a secondary screen at the left of my laptop, and at this peculiar configuration, the laptop screen is somewhat connected to the secondary that if I move my mouse from the second monitor to the laptop, secondary monitor start to follow mouse and show laptop screen as seen:


This is my system configuration:


Other problem I have is color calibration is not working as expected, I can't install profiles even with colord and colord-kde installed:


If anyone has at last any information about those problems, any workaround, etc, would be of big help :)

I've tested it in nouveau too, but there, color management did not work too, and even if display renderization did not follow mouse, my secondary display resolution is limited, an VGA non existent display appear and mouse artifacts (like trail) appear in some part of interface when passing it.
The screen layout is trivial - the secondary monitor is configured with some panning (kscreen bug or misconfiguration)

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run "xrandr --output <ID of 2nd screen> --auto --panning 0x0 --output <ID of notebook> --auto --panning 0x0 --right-of <ID of 2nd screen>

but getting out of panning "automagically" can be tricky (you may also have to reset global "--fb" to the desired combined size)

Lookup the proper IDs with "xrandr -q" (it'll also tell you that the 2nd screen has some pannnig)
Registered Member
Thanks by pointing me to the wright culprit...

This is a nvidia bug apparently: ... ug/1326688
As said it can't be reconfigured if driver find it is necessary to have panning, so a post there pointed to a trick where setting panning borders sufficiently far, never trigger the panning. Now I will try to set it to every reboot... As any atempt to reconfigure xrandr breaks renderization completely.

Not to point nvidia settings show a completely different story.

I'm still trying to find information about color correction in kde 5, if someone has any information It would be really nice.


Well the good news is that if I did not touch nvidia preview set values nothing bad ocurres to the renderization, here is my solution:

As seen only my secondary, connected to laptop, screen is being panned:

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romulo@rbenedettiN:~$ xrandr -q | grep " connected"
HDMI-0 connected 2560x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 677mm x 290mm panning 4480x1080
LVDS1 connected primary 1920x1080+2560+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 193mm

What I did was put the panning border in a unreachable position:

as it is described in xrand man:
--panning widthxheight [+x+y [/track_widthxtrack_height+track_x+track_y [/border_left/border_top/border_right/border_bottom] ] ]

Code: Select all
xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --panning 4480x1080+0+0/0x0+0+0/-4480/0/-4480/0

As seen I didn't touch panning value
Now I will see if if using a service or cronjob maybe work, as it is a graphic setting and need high boot level stages.
The render mess after randr events on nvidia is being worked around in 5.4 - until then, simply suspend and resume the compositor (SHIFT+Alt+F12) around the randr change.


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