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How to make the default Breeze theme dark and translucent

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I really dig the Breeze theme of Plasma 5 and like the simplistic nature of it. But I would want to enhance it even further.

So I wonder is it possible to make it dark with bright text? I'm talking about the bottom bar and the "start menu". If I can make it semi-transparent or translucent it is even better. If I can make it blur the underlying layers (desktop background + any windows or panels) it would be perfection. The blur effect would be particularly beneficial to command terminals as the background would interfere less with the console text.

I saw some dark themes but I don't like the bright lines marking the edges of the bottom bar and menu that are found in these themes. The Breeze theme is on the right track here imo.

This calendar ... =Caledonia

looks better and more compatible with the "design language" of the default Breeze theme.


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