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Desktop icons have no configuration

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Desktop icons have no configuration

Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:49 am
Hello all.

I've dragged-and-dropped an icon from the K menu (the result for dropping the icon from Dolphin is the same) and tried to configure it. However, I failed to do it completely (well, apart from editing the file '~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc' in vim, but that contradicts all the previous KDE 4 and KDE 3 usage experience).

To be specific, here is the configuration dialog I got when clicked 'Icon settings': Image

I do not have a working KDE4 next to me to make a screenshot, but I'm sure you know what this dialog should look like: all the settings for working directory, runnable command, run terminal etc.

So my question is: is it something wrong with my KDE installation? I've done that via `dist-upgrade`ing kubuntu from 14.10 to 15.04 and removing '~/.kde ~/.config/kde* ~/.config/plasma*'. Or is it a bug in the new plasma? Is it a well-known bug or the one that needs to be reported?

Quick search through the forum&bug tracker did not give me a result, so here is the post.


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