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Switching to the Window on the left/right

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Hi guys,

following problem:
When I have a few windows opened, I'd like to move between them with simple shortcuts. Let's say I have three Windows (A, B, C) opened. The very left one is Window A, the middle Window is Window B and the very right one is Window C.

Window A is focused:
When I use my keyboard-shortcut to "move to the right window", nothing happens. I need to use the shortcut for "move to the left window", then Window B is being focused. Now I need to use the shortcut for "move to the right window" to move to Window C.

When Window B is focused:
There is no way to change directly to Window A, I can only change to Window C with the "move to the right window" shortcut. From here I only have the option to move back to Window B again (with the "move to the left window"-shortcut) and now I only can switch to Window A with the "move to the right window"-shortcut.

If there are more windows opened, the switching becomes more random. Well, not exactly random - I think there is a pattern behind this behaviour, like "switch to the last opened window" or something like that.

How can I achieve the expected behaviour? (Means: "switch to the left window"-shortcut really switches to the window left of the current one, etc.)

I use plasma 5 on ArchLinux. I disabled Grouping and Sorting for the taskbar.
Thank you for helping me :)


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