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kde5 migration

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kde5 migration

Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:22 pm

I am about to migrate to kde5.
I am running sabayon as main distro and also Kubuntu.

I did a fresh install of Kubuntu (which is plasma5 no) and when I logged (all except system is shared among distros), I have lost almost my settings.
Wallpaper, tools bars, widget, autostart, shortcut, wallet ...

My questions are :
1 - There is no .kde5, are the properties stored in the same dir than kde4 (on ubuntu it is .kde and sabayon/gentoo .kde4), is this normal that I have lost all settings.
I also used ./.kde4/env/ to setup KDEDIRS but it is not used anymore.
2 - I am asked to migrate my wallet but what will happend when I will log on kde4 (Sabayon is still on testing with plasma5)
3 - All themes, style and others kde tunning I used before are they compatible ?
4 - I have read that Autostart now needs to be .desktop but how can I run commands with .desktop files (syndaemon) ?

Generally speaking if anybody have some comprehensive informations about differences and migratoin between kde4 and 5 let me know.

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Re: kde5 migration

Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:37 pm
1) ~/.config and ~/.local are now where the new configs and data will be, though the parts that are still KDE 4 (such as various applications not yet ported over) will still be found in your ~/.kde and ~/kde4 folders. Plasma 5 does not use KDE 4's plasma configurations, so you will lose your desktop settings.

2)Not sure, but the kde 4 kwallet itself should still be present and in the correct location for KDE 4.

3) They should, for the most part, I think. Personally, I personally have had no trouble but I do not change much other than the plasma theme. Every color scheme and window decoration I have tried out has worked the same, and Plasma themes seem a little better for me - there were a few that didn't work in KDE 4 that do now, and some that did not. But that is more dependant on the age and quality of the third party theme, I guess.

4)Use the Autostart tool in System Settings

I have not run multiple distros off the same home in well over 10 years, but other than needing to reconfigure the desktop itself, I have had zero problems migrating. I don't think you will have the safety net of having a ~/.kde and a ~/.kde4 to keep your distros' configs from intermingling with plasma 5, though.

claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001
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Re: kde5 migration

Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:25 am

Thanks for the answer, I find out about moving prop to .local/.config in the always great wiki page :

IMHO It is a pity to have moved this way. It was clean way to maintain kde env.
I wonder if it is a compilation option however but I found some files there and may move my files from .kde4.
Also as gentoo/sabayon was in .kde4 and ubuntu .kde, I could maintain 2 different env with proper links it was efficient.

For autostart I used the graphic way to set it up but wonder where are store this config.
I found files that reflect my autostart script but they are in a strange place :
I hope kde5 do not use a registery or something like that.

It also could be safe to migrate wallet as it will create a new file.
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Re: kde5 migration

Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:32 pm
~/.config/autostart is where you will find the autostart .desktop files, all mine are there (created with the gui tool), using the tool to add scripts seems to place them in ~/.config/autostart-scripts, and not as .desktop files. (I don't use any startup scripts, just a couple applications, but I added one to see where things go)

What you are seeing in ./.local/share/RecentDocuments/ is not an autostart script, but a reference to the file that shows up when "Open Recent File" is used in a program such as Kate.

Lol do not worry, there is no registry :)

claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001


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