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Heiko Tietze
Registered Member


Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:14 am
Sorry for ranting. Stop reading here if you easily feel involved ;-)

Featuritis is known as the ongoing expansion of functions. I would say there should be a word for the escaltation: KDEritis. In particular, or for example, I'm talking about the clipboard plasmoid. The use case is actually clear: Go through the history and make one of the previous items the one which is inserted on ctrl+V. But what is the reason to have an inline functions "invoke action"? Should it run the associated application if the content has a specific format? And what the hell is the barcode good for? "Edit item" is likely a security issue. And I have also no good idea why removing an item should be there,

The clipboard plasmoid is to browse the history and to reactivate an entry. That's all. This could simply be done by moving the entry on top that is being clicked. And if there would be another plasmoid to create a barcode from what is pasted into it - great. The same for the other functions.

My ranting is not to blame anyone. It's a reminder to keep simplicity in mind. Users who are confronted with the swiss army knife that has also a voice control and brews coffee, those may be afraid of running it productively. So please: Keep it simple, stupid.


Re: KDEritis

Sat Dec 19, 2015 3:26 pm
Klipper is a *very* powerful clipboard manager, I assume one tries to add a good fraction of its features into the plasmoid to allow for dumping klipper.

I tend to agree that this is a stupid idea, the clipboard plasmoid should rather substitute klipper for joe user (ie. preserve the clipboard contents despite the client died) and maybe a history. If one needs a more versatile tool, keep using klipper (and allow to deactivate the plasmoid completely)

Moving (entire) klipper into another process frankly always seemed like a stupid idea to me - I've no idea why this was done.
Before, klipper would eg. survive a crash of plasmashell as well as could be quit (to erase rather than only delete the clipboard history)


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