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How to I create standalone launchers to webapps like gmail?

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I use two operating systems daily: Ubuntu 15.04 with the Unity desktop environment and Manjaro with KDE-plasma-5 desktop. I spend a good chunk of time in my email and it is convenient for me to have it behave like a standalone program, rather than a tab in chromium.

On both systems, I can create a launcher for gmail, via the settings menu under "More tools". On Ubuntu/Unity, I can add this launcher to the panel and it will act as a standalone program with its own separate icon and keyboard shortcut. On Manjaro/KDE, I the gmail shortcut displays a unique icon, but as soon as the program is started, the gmail window will be recognized as a chromium window and it will be grouped with existing chromium windows in the panel instead of retaining the icon that is displayed on the shortcut and any keyboard shortcut associated with Gmail will now focus any browser window. I have also tried to create the shortcuts directly with command line flags such as `app` and `url` as described in this rather old post, but the behavior is the same

How can I mimic the Unity behavior in KDE? Is it possible to get a webapp to behave like a standalone program or will it always merge into any existing open chromium window?


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