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panel.hiding seems not to work in Plasma 5 script

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Tommy Vercetti
Registered Member
I'd like to create windows-go-below plasma panel via script.
In Plasma 4 such a script works perfectly:
Code: Select all
var panel = new Panel;
panel.height = 20;
panel.minLength = 100;
panel.maxLength = screenGeometry(panel.screen).width;
panel.location = 'top';
panel.alignment = 'right';
panel.hiding = 'windowsbelow';

According to Plasma 5 tutorial the onliest thing I should change in the script above to make it work with Plasma 5 is minLength → minimumLength, maxLength → maximumLength. But I notice that panel doesn't respect hiding property value and remains "Always visible". It can be successfully configured manually, then a line panelVisibility=3 appears in ~/.config/plasmashellrc, but neither panel.panelVisibility = 3 nor panel.visibility = 3 work in the script. This behavior is independent on panel.alignment and panel.location values.
Has anybody faced with problem like that? Is there any solution?
(openSUSE Leap 42.1, Plasma 5.4.3)


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