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Per-desktop wallpaper/widgets missing

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Hello people. I'm still using KDE 4 on Kubuntu Trusty LTS.

I hope to move to KDE 5 when next Kubuntu LTS comes in a few months. But I've grown used to the features that KDE 4 provides and it seems that Plasma 5 doesn't support two key features that I know to be missing: inability to customize locale preferences and absence of per-desktop wallpaper/widgets. [I'm not sure what other features I'll miss once I actually start using KDE 5 but the above, especially the second, is itself discouraging me from upgrading... :(]

In the last link I provide above, Martin Gräßlin opines that it would be possible to produce a third-party Plasma plugin to provide per-desktop wallpaper/widgets. Can someone with sufficient Plasma programming knowledge please write such a plugin?


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