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panel disappears when using multiple desktops with KDE5

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Using Kubuntu Wily, KDE Frameworks 5.15.0 Qt 5.4.2 (built against 5.4.2) The xcb windowing system

I've got 2 virtual desktops, and also a custom panel (on the left side) instead of a default panel at the top or bottom.

Periodically, the panel, wallpaper and other features of the KDE desktop just disappears from one of the multiple desktops.
The application windows are still there but it is like there is no window manager for one of my desktops at all.
I can create a default panel that shows up on both desktops, but it's not the one I customized.

I wonder, how do I get my custom panel and desktop features back on desktop#1 without logging out and in again?

Also, not quite related, but how does one set a different wallpaper on different desktops?
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alanezust wrote:Using Kubuntu Wily, KDE Frameworks 5.15.0 Qt 5.4.2 (built against 5.4.2) The xcb windowing system

I've got 2 virtual desktops, and also a custom panel (on the left side) instead of a default panel at the top or bottom.

Periodically, the panel, wallpaper and other features of the KDE desktop just disappears from one of the multiple desktops.
The application windows are still there but it is like there is no window manager for one of my desktops at all.
I can create a default panel that shows up on both desktops, but it's not the one I customized.

I wonder, how do I get my custom panel and desktop features back on desktop#1 without logging out and in again?

Also, not quite related, but how does one set a different wallpaper on different desktops?

I would:

- When the plasma objects are disappearing I would check the logs: .xsession-errors and the systemd journal
- If using third party plasmoids/plasma themes I would test with a plain vanilla KDE.


I would backup the plasma configuration files when the plasma desktop is up and fine. When the hickup hits I would:
- shut the plasma shell down
- restore the backup plasma configuration files
- restart the plasma shell

Plasma5 & virtual desktops:

- Bug 341143 - Wallpaper on every desktop is gone:
- Activities as virtual desktop: ... op-missing
- Activity pager etc: ... vity-pager


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