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Plasmoids forget their positions

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Plasmoids forget their positions

Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:40 am
Hi there,

I use KDE / Plasma 5.5.5 and have a issue with plasmoids.

I have placed some information plasmoids on the desktop and whenever plasma5 crashes, the plasmoids forget their positions on the desktop and get messed. Then I have to position them again.

The plasmoids / widgets are usually locked all time. I thought that should save their positions?

Is there any way around this?

I could imagine one workaround: the positions must be stored in some file I´m sure. I could make a backup of this file and in case of messed plasmoids just restore this backup. But, where the heck are the positions of plasmoids stored?

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pinguin74 wrote:...
whenever plasma5 crashes, the plasmoids forget their positions on the desktop and get messed. Then I have to position them again.
The plasmoids / widgets are usually locked all time. I thought that should save their positions?
Is there any way around this?

the positions must be stored in some file I´m sure. I could make a backup of this file and in case of messed plasmoids just restore this backup. But, where the heck are the positions of plasmoids stored?

It is possible that when the plasma is crashing it could damage the plasma configuration file. As you wrote a workaround is to backup the plasma configuration file(s).

KDE Frameworks 5 is following the XDG Base Directory Specification: ... atest.html
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should be stored. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used.

At here:
Plasma 5 desktop&applet configuration file is: $HOME/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
Plasma 5 shell configuration file is: $HOME/.config/plasmashellrc
Plasma 5 configuration file (current theme, wallpapers) is: $HOME/.config/plasmarc

Sometimes it is possible to edit the configuration files: . But if you have a working backup it is easier to use it.


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