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Start window bar launcher with shortcut based on position

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Hello everyone.

I've moved to KDE with Plasma 5 from windows 10.
The only thing I am really missing is for me to launch / maximize applications in the taskbar using a modifier key + a numeric key.
I'll explain the desired behaviour with a screenshot:

As you can see there are two icons for Konsole and Dolphin created with the "Show launcher when not running" feature.
What I'm looking for is the following:
  • <Meta>+1 launches / maximizes icon 1 (Konsole)
  • <Meta>+2 launches / maximizes icon 2 (Dolphin)

I'm aware that I can specify shortcuts for specific programs (launch Konsole always with <Meta>+1). I don't want that because it requires too much manual configuration.

Is there already way for me to achieve this?
I'd be willing to write a script if possible but I've no idea where to start.

Thanks in advance,


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