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Plasmashell 5 Crashing with notifications

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Hello everyone!

I have just installed KDE 5 (Kubuntu 16.04) I have spent quite a bit of time trying to get it working as best as possible.
I had KDE 4 and had it working exactly how I wanted.

There is a big blocking point at the moment, after a while the plasmashell freezes after a new notification pops up. Blocking the whole system and necessitating a restart of the plasmashell.

I have searched quite a bit through the forums and online, and I have tried a few suggestions to no avail.
(For eg. I have tried empyting ~/.cache as recommended)

I saw a comment on a bug report making reference to the use of the Oxygen theme (on KDE5): -with no answer
which I am using (package: kde-style-oxygen-qt5)

So it got me thinking and I tried it out, going back to the Breeze theme and the notifications work (after emptying the cache and restarting) and they do not block.

So it seems to have something to do with the Oxygen theme for KDE5. (Plasmashell is ver 5.5.5)

Dos anyone have insight or any ideas how I could get this working? (I'm ready to try any suggestions to get this working!)

Thanks :D
Registered Member
I have found that after having errors with the Plasmashell freezing and switching back to the Breeze theme, it will freeze again next time there is a problem.

Only if I clear out the temp files and restart the computer it will work again without freezing (on the Breeze theme). Maybe an indication that there is a config file or else, that is incorrectly saved to or corrupted while using the Oxygen theme?

On another note:
I disabled all Notifications from the PlasmaShell (Oxygen theme) and the computer does not freeze anymore! It seems to be a problem with the Notifications module?

Any help / ideas would be appreciated :)


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