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Audio volume

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Audio volume

Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:46 am

I use KDE 5.8.2 on SolydK-EE (Debian testing) and I have problems with the volume of the sound.
As I always have seen was the master sound setting separate from volume settings in a program, now when I change the volume in a program the master slider changes as well. They are somehow coupled.
Problem is when I get a system notification which sets the volume to (almost) maximum. Since this one is coupled to the master volume slider also that one is going up and music is played way too loud.
I use the default PA audio system in KDE.
How can I make sure that:
I hear notifications at a low volume, or better not at all? In any case, they should not increase master volume.
Volume settings in programs are no longer coupled to the master slider?

What do I need to do to make this happening?
Registered Member

Re: Audio volume

Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:05 am
Set 'flat-volumes = no' in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.

For notification sounds there should be a separate volume control btw.
kmix shows it in its popup window, for plasma-pa you need to right-click on the volume control and choose "Volume Control Settings".

Doesn't work with the phonon vlc backend currently because of limitations of vlc (it always sets the sound type to "video").
But even in that case an "application" volume slider should show up while the notification is playing and you should be able to use that for setting the volume of notification sounds in general.
Registered Member

Re: Audio volume

Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:00 pm
wolfi323 wrote:Set 'flat-volumes = no' in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf. That did the trick, got to remember this one

For notification sounds there should be a separate volume control btw.Yes, there is one. I set it to mute but still some sounds break thru. I also set all KDE notification sounds to mute in system-settings.
kmix shows it in its popup window, for plasma-pa you need to right-click on the volume control and choose "Volume Control Settings".

Doesn't work with the phonon vlc backend currently because of limitations of vlc (it always sets the sound type to "video").
But even in that case an "application" volume slider should show up while the notification is playing and you should be able to use that for setting the volume of notification sounds in general.
Problem is the sound is gone before you know it and so is the slider.

But my main problem is gone now, I can now independently control the volume. Thank you very much.
Registered Member

Re: Audio volume

Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:10 pm
DeMus wrote: Problem is the sound is gone before you know it and so is the slider.

Yes, but you could consciously "force" a notification sound with the volume control open and then quickly change the volume (or mute it).
That's what I did here... ;)

It should be remembered.

So you are using the vlc backend?
Should get fixed in phonon 4.10 and vlc 3.0 AIUI then, btw.

gstreamer should use the configured notification volume anyway.


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