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Jump to workspace on startup and jump to window workspace

Tags: plasma, workspace, startup, window rules plasma, workspace, startup, window rules plasma, workspace, startup, window rules
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Hi there! New here, old on KDE.

I've just jumped into KDE/Plasma 5 bandwagon. It's been a pretty smooth experience until now. Slackware is my distro of choice for years and it plays quite nice with KDE 5.

However, I'm missing two things:

  1. When P5 have just started, how can I force it to jump to a specific workspace (virtual-desktop)?
  2. I've set some window rules where some selected apps starts on a specific workspace. How can I tell P5 to jump to that screen upon app start?

That's it. Pretty lame issues, but I could'nt find any info on that.

Thanks for any reply.


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