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Plasma 5 UI changes

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Plasma 5 UI changes

Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:37 pm
By the look of things KDE team has also drank the Windows 10 cool aid, and forgot that more than 2 colors exist on the way.

Because after clicking on "upate" last night, I was greeted with an unfamiliar and horibble looking white-on-light-blue login screen, that almost burned out my eyes (yes I use the dark theme, and the monitor's britghness is set to high). It took me hours to partially "fix" the problem, so I would like to thank the idiot, who replaced the look and feel for both SDDM, and the KDE lock/logout screens without even thinking that not everyone would like the new one, and I sincerely hope you die in a horrible way!

The firts place I went was Why the hell do you not have the default breeze themes uploaded there??? It is the official place to get themes, and yet you can only find fan made themes there, and nothing from actual KDE devs! No, the only way to actually get the breeze theme is to install KDE on a pc somewhere and rip it off from there! You guys s*ck.

So after realizing that the lockscreen and the logout screen are part of the look and feel, and that it's impossible for me to get the correct version .deb package anywhere on the internet, I simply overwrote the two directories in "/usr/share/sddm/themes" and in "/usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel", with the ones on a live UDB, that had the correct look. This fixed the lock screen (mostly I still had to manually change the background), and restored the logout screens old layout.

Two big problems are still remaining. One is the ugly new icons for categories in the application laucher, and also the logout, restart and shutdown icons for the logout screen. The icon theme does not affect these and they weren't in the look and feel, so if anyone knows where to find those I'd appreciate it.

The second problem might be related to the first one, the logout/reset/shutdown icons on the logout screen are now huge! They take up all of the screen. If this problem persists I might need some help to fix the old qml files.

I'm actually disappointed. I came to expect sh*t like this from Microsoft (incidentally nuking windows update is the first thing to do on any PC), but not from you. I know its my fault. For trusting you, and clicking on the update button, without triple checking it. Not a mistake I will ever make after I fixed everything I will need to freeze all of the KDE packages (any updates would likely restore the ugly theme).
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Re: Plasma 5 UI changes

Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:09 pm
Updates, replacing "/usr/share/plasme/desktoptheme" too with the previous version's one solves the icon issue, KDE icons seems to be stored in the default theme. Unfortunately the icons on the logout screen are still huge, and I don't speak QML.

In the Logout.qml, there is this line "height: units.largeSpacing*14". Someone, probably the same idiot, who did the UI "redesign", must have removed units.largeSpacing from wherever it's supposed to be, at least that's my best guess height does nothing, I just tested it by setting it to 400, and it takes up the whole screen regardless. Anyone know how to debug qml???
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Re: Plasma 5 UI changes  Topic is solved

Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:43 pm
So, a couple of weeks have passed, but I have a solution.

Even though the original packages are no longer in the repository, using dpkg --repack on the live CD/install disc, you can still obtain them. after that use dpkg to reinstall sddm-theme-breeze, and plasma-workspace to the correct version (you will need to remove any conflicting packages before, and downgrade a few dependencies too, so i suggest repacking all the packages on the install disc). After this put these two packages on hold, run apt-get -f install to fix the dependencies, and it's done!

Its a somewhat cleaner method then overwriting the new qml files with the old ones (but even that worked surprisingly well, minus the height glitch).


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