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Multihead timeline info?

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Multihead timeline info?

Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:42 am
Is there any information on the time line for multihead?

I haven't had any luck getting multiple xscreens coming up as individual plasma desktops since 14.04/14.10. I figured since most video cards coming out were multihead, and other people have systems with more than one video card this would be possible, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I understand that a lot of people like one big desktop over multiple monitors as opposed to one desktop per monitor. I have gotten used to having independent screens and big desktop over multiple monitors is more of a nuisance than a benefit.

Was trying to see if wayland did it, but couldn't figure out what files were needed and when trying to run a wayland plasma session it made no errors, just blinked a bit and went back to the account login page.

Not sure if multihead support will happen soon, or if I should go back to 14.04 till it actually works.


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