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Desktop icons messed up.

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Desktop icons messed up.

Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:08 pm
every time I log in, all my desktop icons are randomly placed all over the desktop. Then I place them as always, start to work, etc etc log out and the next time I log in, same story again: all is messed up. Any idea to keep them as I like and not have to reorder them every time?

These are my settings:

OpenSuse Leap 42.2
Plasma 5.8.3
Plasma Framework 5.26.0
Qt 5.6.1

Desktop: folder view
Icons arranged in columns, aligned to the left, unsorted, folder first and unlocked. (I also locked them but nothing changed)

Any ideas?

Thank you all.
Registered Member

Re: Desktop icons messed up.

Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:51 am
I Am afraid I cannot help you but I have had the same problem as you on various versions of Fedora going back to Fedora20. I have recently updated to Fedora25 but still have this problem. I can rearrange the desktop to my liking and set it to unsorted and locked, but it only stays locked for a variable number of re-boots before reverting to sorting by name! smebody must know how to fix this (I Hope).

Cager, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
Registered Member

Re: Desktop icons messed up.

Sun May 28, 2017 7:15 pm
I have the same problem on Fedora 24 for plasma version 5.8.6-6.
I have found a lot messages on different forums and have tried a lot of the proposed solution without positive result.

The solution I have already tried:
1) Rebuild database
=> move "$HOME/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc" to ''$HOME/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.broken"
=> run "$> kbuildsycoca5"
=> run "$> kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental"
=> add icon on desktop and change wallpaper
=> logout
=> in a non plasma environment (I used runlevel 3) move ''$HOME/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.broken" to "$HOME/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc"
=> logout or reboot. Then start plasma again.
FYI: this is the output of kbuildsycoca5 (and of kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental)
kbuildsycoca5 running...
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\\"\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\$\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\\"\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\\"\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\\"\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\$\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\$\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\$\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\$\"."
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/fedora-release-notes.webapp.desktop, line 7: " "Invalid escape sequence \"\\$\"."
kf5.kservice.sycoca: The menu spec file contains a Layout or DefaultLayout tag without the mandatory Merge tag inside. Please fix your file.

2) Attention : after this I had to reconfigurate all desktops and activities !
=> remove file '$HOME/.confi/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc'
=> run "$> kquitapp plasmashell; sleep 30; plasmashell &"

PLEASE HELP ... Because It starts to innervating me.


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