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Config files affected by monitor layout change?

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Hi I need some help finding all the plasma config files that might be affected by a change in screen layout/monitor configuration -- configs for panels, widgets, activities, etc etc.

I currently have an ati radeon 6970, with three monitors at my desk, and a tv connected to one of the displayPorts. Plasma version is 5.9.2 on gentoo.

I like to switch between using the triple-head at the desk, and using only the tv (one or the other). I have made a couple scripts that copy configs for X11 and plasma to enable me to switch easily.

This script setup was working well for me in the past but I think something changed and I'm not getting all the config files I need to copy, I started getting major graphics gliches/flickering/failure to redraw/etc on the TV (but only on the tv, and only within KDE/Plasma5 - console and xfce both work fine so it's not hardware).

Currently I have separate DESK and TV versions of the following config files, and my scripts switch between them, as well as the xorg config. (I startDesk or startTv instead of startx),
Code: Select all

Am I missing any important files? Is there a better way?

I know I can use xrandr to switch X screen layout on the fly, but plasma gets completely screwed up (panels, etc) if I do that. If there is a way to do it on the fly without logging out, while maintaining separate panel/widget configurations for the triple-head vs. the TV I'd love to do it that way!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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