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Can't compile / install widget

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Can't compile / install widget

Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:41 pm
Kubuntu 17.04 / Plasma 5.9.4

Code is here

I'm trying to create a fileviewer widget, and I've managed to get something that works.
Code: Select all
qmlscene -I . main.qml
makes it come up in a window.

When I run plasmapkg, it looks like it works, and the widget appears in the menu, but when I try and put it on the desktop, nothing happens.
Code: Select all
$ plasmapkg --install plasmoid/
plasmapkg(1326)/libplasma Plasma::Package::installPackage: Could not register package as service (this is not necessarily fatal): "plasma-applet-org.rthompson.fileview"
Successfully installed /home/ross/Documents/fileview/plasmoid

Code: Select all
$ plasmapkg2 --install plasmoid/
pluginname:  "org.rthompson.fileview"
Generated  "/home/ross/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json"  ( 2  plugins)
Successfully installed /home/ross/Documents/fileview/plasmoid

I've tried building it with qmake and cmake, and it doesn't work, but I can't see anything that looks like an error in the logs. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.


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