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icons only task manager bug (?)

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icons only task manager bug (?)

Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:30 pm
hello .... first off: thanks for a wonderful desktop! i installed KDE neon and it is amazing and blazing fast!

as allways though, it has a few flaws. there is 1 annoying thing atm regarding the desktop, speficically the "icons only task manager", where i usually just click "show program when not running" (guess thats the right term translated from my native tounge) on the programs i often use, so the program icon stays put on the taskbar even after i close it. however there are 2 programs ive found that wont give me that option. One is (not so important) google earth, the other however is a more sinister one: dreamweaver ... since i often use dreamweaver trough wine, the only program im not able to get rid of since moving to linux from windows.

it seems to me, wine wont do the "show program when not running"-trick on "icons only task manager". so this is a request to that developer, and if there is a workaround for this issue im open ears.



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