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How do I keep windows on the screen?

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I have two external monitors hooked up to a laptop and, oddly enough, when I drag a window onto the laptop screen, the window vanishes.
  • When I minimize a window that has disappeared, it appears to minimize from below the visible screen area
  • If I drag it *partially* on the screen, that's fine
  • If I drag it to the top of the screen (so it's maximized) then click the windowed mode button, that's fine too
  • Same for edges
  • If I drag it after doing any of this, it disappears unless I drag it partially onto another window
  • If I try to resize the window, so that it shrinks until it's only on the laptop screen, the window will stop shrinking to stay on the external monitor
  • Alt-dragging can bring the window onto the external monitor, but then I can't change the window width (regular dragging still makes it disappear)
  • Persists between reboots
Anybody know how I can keep windows on the screen? I'm using ubuntu 16.04 and plasmashell 5.8.7


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