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a python indicator icon not displayed and not refreshed

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I'm a newcomer to KDE (after many years of Unity DE, which is now coming to the end of its life) and trying KDE (neon) for an alternative path.
Therefore I have a number of issues of adaptation, some due to my inexperience naturally ;-) And this one I think probably is not my fault ;-)

I have a forked python-indicator that helps me insert numerous characters which are otherwise hard to access, and it works well under Unity, Cinnamon, Gnome environments:
However, when installed under KDE neon (Plasma 5.10.2) the indicator icon is invisible (I can only see it in the tip that is displayed on hover) although everything else works, including icon changing, except that new icon doesn't take effect (I guess until the user logs out and in, which is not the case for a similar indicator, i.e overgrive scync tool for Google Drive).

Any ideas please? Is this a bug or something that should be fixed by me?


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