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plasmashell consuming available shared memory.

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I joined this list because I am having problems which are related to the increase in shared memmory consumption of the plasmashell, up to a point where it blocks all system. I am using Arch linux, with kernel 4.12.8-2-ARCH, KDE plasma 5.10.4 KDE frameworks 5.37.0, Qt 5.9.1, OS Type 64 bit 8 GB ram.

The problem:
About two months ago after an system upgrade, I've had some paralisis of my system and I needed to hard reboot every time. I started to identify what was causing it. So I started to follow active processes using ksysguard to monitor large processes. I've noticed that every tim I watched any digital media (movie, picture, presentation) the shared memory raised in abou 40 to 50 mim, so that it paralized all system. It went like that for some weeks. times passad and after a couple of more updates of the system the simptoms became constant, so everytime I start kde plasmashell increases the shared memory usage up to a point where it halts all interfaces and i can not access any shell to restart plasmashell. But the weirdest happened this last days after a couple more updates. Now if I start kde at home everything works fine, but if i use my computer at work "voi lá" there is this memory problem again.

I've been trying to find if someonelse has the same or similar problem but all memory leakage subject i find do not describe anything similar to what i have. I one forum i found an sugestion to change from nouveau to nvidia driver solved their memory leakage problem, their leakage was in the memory usage it self and not shared memory.

I am writing here to see if someone could guide me to find what is happening. i've already downloaded the software "valgrind" which supposelly should test softwares for memory leakage, but the output is gibberish for me, i'm an IT hobbist and not professional, but I like to solve my problems myself, but this problem is to overwhelming for me and I would not like to do an fresh installation of kde, which could or could not solve my problem, I'd rather like to repair it if possible.

I am already considering that this behavior could be an malicious software (virus, worm, ...) that is causing this.

Thanks for any help or pointed direction which i could help me to .
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Registered Member

thanks for the link. I'll have a look.


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