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Icons and Application Menu problems.

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Icons and Application Menu problems.

Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:50 pm
Running PC-Linux, having been forced to move to KDE5(plasma) I did a complete install and update.
Very frequently after booting the desktop Icons positions have been scrambled, this is not consistent as they seem to appear in various layouts.
The icons are Unsorted and Locked, this is a real pita as I need to rearrange them almost every time.

The applications menu frequently vanishes, when the squiggly icon is clicked a small blue bar appears above it but nothing else.
If I unlock the widgets, right click on the icon and select "Alternatives", then select "Simple Menu" and switch. I can then right click on the icon again and re select "Applications Menu". Re lock widgets and all is back to normal, but its another pita.

Any help to fix these problems most welcome.
Dave P..

ps Do the distros repo update KDE5 or how.


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