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No notify sound?

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No notify sound?

Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:45 pm
Iv been trying to figure this for ages ... 175613867/

How do i set a sound for the plasma 5 notification (notify-send or kdialog --passivepopup 'text' 5) type pop-up notifier ?

I have read of people who cant turn the sound off so i know it can work but my problem is that iv never been able to turn it on.

Iv been through every single option in the System Settings -> Notifications but im dammed if i can find one for these notifications.

Hope someone can help, thx.

Mint 18.1
Kde plasma 5.8.5
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Re: No notify sound?

Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:51 am
well im still looking for an answer. I had to do a clean install my OS yesterday, iv now got
mint 18.2
plasma ver 5.8.7

Still no sound for :-

twitter web notifications
youtube web notifications
google calendar integration reminder notifications
Wickr IM message notifications

They all have popups in the top right corner of varying kinds but NONE of them have sound. My settings > multimedia > audio volume > applications tab > notifications sounds volume is at 100% and not muted. My sound in other regards works fine.

please assist.


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