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Running apps don't show in System tray as they used to.

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Hi . i used to have the ability to switch between running apps. by clicking on them in the system tray. In one of the recent updates this facility seems to have gone. I can't remember having to specifically cause them to be there, it just happened when they were opened. All I have now is six virtual desktop boxes. I am using Fedora 25 and KDE 5.10.5. I have an older machine still running Fedora19 and this is still working as I want it to.
Also , I still can't get my desktop ikons to stay put even after locking them! Fixes for either of these problems would be welcome.

Cager, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
Registered Member
It would appear that the function I was looking for is actually called the Task manager,not the System Tray, and I Have finally managed to re-instate it. I had great difficulty doing this and I suspect that I may have ended up with a spacer which left no room for anything else? I am still puzzled that when I first got it working I got a settings page which asked if I wanted to show Icons, to which I answered Yes and that is what i got, but now the settings page does not have that item on it. But Hey Ho I've got what I wanted. The other problem with the fugative icons seems to have gone away also (4 Days and counting!). Possibly cured by a recent update. :) FIXED

Cager, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.


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