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How to activate virtual keyboard explicitly by touch screen?

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Venca B Spam
Registered Member
How to activate virtual keyboard (next VK) explicitly by touch screen?

Business requirement / Use case:
- Start using the system as laptop with physical keyboard.
- Physically flip the screen hardware by 180° (e.g. as on Yoga 500).
- Continue using the laptop as tablet
- When wanted to use VK, swipe along the bottom edge towards center of the screen.
(Alternatively the trigger could be hw sensor e.g. LID/FLIP sensor and/or system panel icon/action)

This is duplicate of my question I posted here ... s-or-swipe, I put it here too as I feel this is also relevant place to search for an answer.

Although knowing that the VK is available on lock screen, login manager and it could be even explicitly used when starting particular application (using the OS environment variable QT_IM_MODULE=qtvirtualkeyboard), I did not find any way how to activate it on already running application (and also disable it).
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Hi all,

I am also quite curious how to use virtual keyboard more widely .
It would be nice to have an access to Virtual Keyboard, which is already implemented on SDDM interface [qt5 -virtualkeyboard].

I am on Asus AIO z1 running Neon with plasma 5.11. There are some new features for touch screens, witch hopefully will improve the touch experience of KDE.
The swipe gestures does not work yet (both on Neon and Fedora), but I thing it is the meter of time and it'll be sorted quite soon ; )

I am using gnome-shell some times and the touch support is very nice implemented there. When I need an access to the keyboard I just swap it up from the bottom and it is there, ready to use. Useful when the machine is in the kitchen and you have to find something and do not have the room for keyboard and mouse ; )
Also dealing with such apps like Spotify, when all you need to do sometime is just to change the song or album is really nice and easy there. I have the device for coding when I need, but when I need something like tablet just to make some quick stuff it works perfect as well ; )

I wish I had this same in my fav desk envy ;)
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almost the year 2020 and no right click touchscreen or keyboard. >:(
cool story bruh
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brundo wrote:almost the year 2020 and no right click touchscreen or keyboard. >:(
cool story bruh

Are you using Wayland?

Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ...


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