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Multiple Plasma Problems {DITCHED THE RUBBISH }

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Hi, PC-linux 64 bit New install and updated,
I have the problem of the desktop icon positions being changed on re-boot.
there seems to be no answer/cure to this problem.
Also the applications menu frequently disappears, although I can get it back its a pita.
I have now finished up with a panel at the bottom and the top of the screen, the bottom one has 2 clocks,
a digital and a analog. I don't want the analog one, and can find no way to remove it.
desktops which
The top one, which I don't want and cannot remove, has virtual desktops which I want on the bottom one,
but they don't appear there.

Currently the system is not usable, and I am using an older box with kde4 (partially broken) I would like to
know if this bundle of bugs (plasma) is ever likely to be sorted out, or is there a kde4 release that I could
install and keep upgraded.
Dave P..



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