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Gone features ? Global menu, tabbing, tiling

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Hi everyone !

I'm clearly not complaining, as I think the decisions made by the community in the past few years were brilliant. But just wondering :

Were the following features completely dropped in Plasma 5 ?

- Global menu support (there was a blog post in 2016 about its reintroduction. I see no sign of it as of today in KDE Neon
- Possibility to hide the fullscreen windows decorations (especially useful along with the global menu)
- Windows tabbing (remember ? It was possible to tab several windows using the middle mouse button on the window bar.. It was also possible to add rules to automatically tab several windows)
- Automatic windows tiling (I'm pretty sure this one was dropped in KDE 4.x)

All those made me quite enthusiastic back then... Even if I now really think I really prefer the current situation where Baloo, activities and the deskop icons work wonderfully even if there are fewer eccentric features :-)

But at least, the global menu would make sense, I guess... :-)

Last edited by mahen on Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Oops, I actually found back the global menu. Really sorry, I wish I could delete my thread. But still, there's one remaining question :

it used to be possible to hide the title bar / window decoration of maximized windows and have windows controls in the taskbar as a plasmoid. Is it still possible ? It especially made sense to add a top bar with the global menu & fullscreen windows controls to save vertical space...
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I'm re-replying to myself :-)

So there's this "Active Window Control" plasmoid that is still under development and apparently moved back to the KDE umbrella. Using it under Arch (Manjaro). That's brillant.. You can have a SINGLE taskbar with windows controls, auto hiding global menu, icons applications switcher etc. AND it can automatically remove the window decoration of maximized windows.
Super clean & efficient and space saving.

It would have made it so easy for Canonical to transition from Unity without losing tons of features... Well..


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