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QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "height"

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I'm running Arch Linux. After a recent update, Plasma 5 has become less stable. Today I got the first clue about the problem. I received a browser notification and I have desktop notifications allowed for that website. As soon as the notification came in, Plasma 5 became unresponsive. For example, the menu and panel were unresponsive.

The following line was being repeated in an endless loop (probably using 100% CPU).
Code: Select all
/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/NotificationItem.qml:184:13: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "height"

Not wanting to risk my whole system becoming unstable, I simply issued
Code: Select all
sudo killall plasmashell
immediately and didn't check CPU usage.

After running
Code: Select all
kstart5 plasmashell
I'm back in action. However, I'm having to restart plasma5 every day or two whereas previously it was very stable. Something seems to have changed with a recent update.

Is anyone else seeing this?


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