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Plasma 5.8.6: Keyboard Layot Trouble

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I am having some surprising problems with the keyboard layout:
  • The layout indicator has disappeared from the system tray.
  • I can change the layout with a shortcut key, but it is volatile; as soon as I change focus, it is lost and has to changed again.
As far as I can see, I have the right things running:
Code: Select all
# plasmashell --version
plasmashell 5.8.6
#  ps ax | grep kglobalaccel
 2772 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/bin/kglobalaccel5
 5524 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep kglobalaccel
# qdbus org.kde.kded5 /kded loadedModules | grep khotkeys

And this is what I have chosen in System Settings (I would have taken a screenshot, but I can't upload files, it appears):
  • "Show layout indicator": checked
  • "Show for single layout": checked
  • "Show flag": checked
  • "Switching policy": Window
Any ideas how to make this work?


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