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Does the latest plasma still work with NFS mounted home?

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On my system, /home is mounted by NFS from a server. This was no problem when I had Kubuntu 17.10 with plasma 5.12 installed via the ppa, but now I've upgraded to 18.04 beta plasma crashes every time I log in.

Looking in .xsession-errors, I see this:
Code: Select all
KActivities: Database can not be opened in WAL mode. Check the SQLite version (required >3.7.0). And whether your filesystem supports shared memory

followed by:
Code: Select all
KActivities: FATAL ERROR: Failed to contact the activity manager daemon

Does NFS support shared memory? Has KActivities or SQLite recently changed in this area?

I have tried unmounting the NFS share and using a local /home and it works OK.

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As you know, 18.04 beta is not finalized yet so it's hard to say if there was change, or it's just an unfinished product / bug issue. This is a forum, not technical support so you may not run in to anyone under the same circumstances here - if no one is doing what you're doing right now, you may not get a response (I'm running 18.04 in a VM to test it out but I'm not using NFS).

I'd try searching for a bug report, and if you can't find anything, then filing a bug report of your own. Worst case is the developers don't know about it and you can help fix it. Best case is they know and fixed it with today's updates.


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