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desktop icons not clickable

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desktop icons not clickable

Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:12 pm
Hi, New-to-KDE-guy here. (Long time gnome user). Just installed Neon on a Dell M4700 laptop and, in general, am loving KDE. But, the icons on my desktop are not working. For example, the 'Home' icon does not respond to any mouse clicks - not left, right, or middle. None of the icons I've placed on the desktop work. Application icons do nothing: the 'Konsole' icon will not fire up konsole, a file icon will not invoke any editor. They are all dead.

Is there something I'm missing? Some setup option? I've spent the last two or three days getting everything else configured and installed to my liking, so I'm very reluctant to do a fresh install.

My system:

KDE Plasma: 5.12.4
KDE Framework: 5.44.0
Qt: 5.10.0
Kernel: 4.13.0-37-generic
OS: 64-bit

My system is plain vanilla except for Latte, which I installed, used a bit, but is now not active. In any case, I don't believe Latte is to blame because the problems I'm having were present before I installed Latte.

The laptop does have Nvidia GPU, which I realize has been problematic with linux, but it's working flawlessly otherwise.

Thoughts? Pointers?

thanks in advance!!
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Re: desktop icons not clickable

Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:00 pm
I have the same problem.

What seems to fix it for me permanently is avoiding to place any desktop icons in the last row on the desktop (close to the bottom border of the screen).

A temporary fix is to change the folder that is displayed on the desktop (Desktop settings -> Location). You can change to some other folder, apply settings, and then change back to regular Desktop folder - after that the icons start working, but then the problem returns after the next reboot.

Hope this helps...
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Re: desktop icons not clickable

Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:47 pm
I tried kubuntu 18.04 and 18.10 on a convertible Lenovo Yoga,
Desktop icons do not react to finger touch unfortunately, it looks like touch input has not been defined at all.
You CAN activate desktop starter icons, with two finger touch, sometimes. that is somehow strange

If it works in plasma mobile.... should't it be possible on a desktop too?
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Re: desktop icons not clickable

Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:59 pm
Randomly i am experimenting this issue: after clicking any desktop icon nothing happens. Log out/log back is solving this problem. What to do, to eliminate this case?
Registered Member

Re: desktop icons not clickable

Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:18 am
Old topic, but maybe can help someone.
Was bothered with this problem for months and tried everything possible.

- 2 Notebooks, 1 NAS server, all Arch - KDE Plasma
- 1 Notebook never had problems with non clickable desktop icons
- 1 Notebook randomly, mostly worked well
- NAS server, non clickable desktop icons all the time

Was long time troubleshooting graphic driver(s) and everything else possible.

I realized it is due to buying cheapest mouse hardware. Several hours every day clicking and hardware mouse click switch gets worn quickly.
Now I dont care anymore, best is to buy new mouse and one that costs a bit more, but it is not guarantee click switch will last longer.
Working now on all 3 installations, just sometimes opens Aplications with 4 quick clicks, sometimes 6, sometimes 8. (desktop icons)

Buy new mouse and I believe problem will be gone.


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