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My thought

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My thought

Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:05 pm
i like kde, but i wanne know, if there are plans to make the window-applet get rid of handling more than one line of windows.
furthermore, there is still the bug with the system-tray-applet. it is written in a very **** style and doesnt support transparancy (in special the x11-embed-containers) and the layout of items uses very much parts of code.... last version i checked has bugs to in "layouting". but i dont know a better way to get tasks displayed than the qt-way in the moment. maybe it would be helpful to expand plasma-api^^ but this api is declared as stable aso (dont know why they think it is finished). but i think there are many functions left (not quiet sure, dont use plasma often)

and why the plasmoidviewer needs this **** *.desktop files. this was one of the most worse things, it makes quick tests nearly impossible. i i think i would had written a small testutility with absolute path-handling....


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