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Secondary monitor changes widgets every login

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Hi all,

I recently updated to Kubuntu 18.04 on my laptop. I often use an external monitor which I have set as the primary in the KDE settings. So my laptop automatically becomes the secondary monitor when I plug the external monitor in. That works really well.

However, the secondary monitor seem to forget its widgets and wallpaper. I looked at the plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc file which contains all of the info and the widgets are still there. In fact, if I add new widgets to my secondary monitor, they will appear in that file, but with a different containment number.

I've added to the bug report here Bug #393270, but I was wondering if I can delve a bit deeper and figure out why the containment number keeps changing. Does anybody know how that number is determined and at which KDE component I should be looking? Is that number determined by KWin? Or the plasmashell? Which program writes out the "plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc" file?


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