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Enforce Global Configurations for kde5

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I can't seem to find documentation on kde5, if there is up-to-date documentation on the entire structure of kde5, specifically a system admin documentation like i found for kde3, please link me to it and call it done.

Anyway, i need to enforce some rules globally for all users in a Enterprise. I cant figure out how to do this in kde5.

How do i enforce global configurations for kde5?

For example, how would i globally enforce a lock screen wallpaper? the time until screen auto-locks?
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KeyCollector wrote:I can't seem to find documentation on kde5, if there is up-to-date documentation on the entire structure of kde5, specifically a system admin documentation like i found for kde3, please link me to it and call it done.

Anyway, i need to enforce some rules globally for all users in a Enterprise. I cant figure out how to do this in kde5.

How do i enforce global configurations for kde5?

For example, how would i globally enforce a lock screen wallpaper? the time until screen auto-locks?

There is no such thing as KDE5. There are Plasma 5, KDE Frameworks 5 and the KDE Applications (year.month.bugfix number). They have separate release schedules:

The KDE community has wiki pages - KDE System Administration: .

Earlier KDE Forums: Set system wide default lock screen background image - viewtopic.php?f=289&t=141475


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