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Powerdevil disables DPMS by "prevent-app-suspension" call

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I'm running KDE Neon LTS 5.12 system, where I'm using the note taking application "Joplin" ( Start of the application Joplin disables the screensaver and the display power management. If I correctly understand the logs in .xsession-errors:
Code: Select all
Registering ":1.13111/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Joplin1" to system tray
Registering ":1.13111/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Joplin1"
Enable powerSaveBlockerStart: prevent-app-suspension
powerdevil: Scheduling inhibition from ":1.13112" "/tmp/.mount_JoplinKmMWyd/app/joplin" with cookie 239 and reason "Electron"
powerdevil: Enforcing inhibition from ":1.13112" "/tmp/.mount_JoplinKmMWyd/app/joplin" with cookie 239 and reason "Electron"
powerdevil: Added change screen settings
powerdevil: Added interrupt session
powerdevil: Disabling DPMS due to inhibition
powerdevil: Can't contact ck

the Joplin is calling powerSaveBlocker as type " prevent-app-suspension", which should "Prevent the application from being suspended. Keeps system active but allows screen to be turned off." So I don't understand, why the powerdevil is disabling DPMS.
Is it the bug in Joplin application or in powerdevil? Or is it a feature that I don't understand?


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