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Virtual Volume View application malfunctioning in Tumbleweed

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I am a recent migrant from Windows and I have been replacing my highly used applications with their open source equivalents where possible over the course of the past few months.

One such application is Virtual Volume View ( which is used for cataloging removable volumes. The app is cross platform and has versions available for Linux, OSX, and Windows which makes it perfect for my use-case.

While the application works just fine in windows and on an Ubuntu VM, it keeps on skipping on displaying the "Search" and "Virtual" tabs on the toolbar when clicked in OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE Plasma 5.14.5. The application basically shows the aforementioned sections for a split second before jumping back to the previous screen.

I have since contacted the developer with regards to the issue (his contact information can be found in the readme.txt file) and he suspects that it might have to do with KDE Plasma but has no clue what might be the cause of the issue.

I fiddled around with the KDE Plasma settings a little but had no luck finding a way to get the application to behave as intended. After asking the SUSE community and receiving no replies I decided to post here to see if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Any help is very much appreciated.



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