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OpenSUSE Leap-15.0 + wallpaper slideshow = plasmashell CRASH

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I got a critical bug on my HP Mini 210-2204er netbook. OpenSUSE Leap-15.0 distro. When I try to change the wallpaper to the slideshow system, plasmashell fatall down, and not responce to any mouse click or key (except other terminals by Ctrl+Alt+F1..6).

I can restore the system after this only in this way:
Code: Select all
rm ~ / .config / plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
killall plasmashell && plasmashell &

The same function works steadily in Manjaro KDE, Arch KDE. And other openSUSE users. Only I have this problem ...


Here are some of these errors I received when running plasmashell from console:

Code: Select all
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in the path
"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/code/LayoutManager.js" was expected at QUrl("file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/LayoutManager.js")
/code/FolderTools.js" was expected at /ui/FolderTools.js")
No file found for ".xml" , even though update-mime-info said it would exist.
Either it was just removed, or the directory doesn't have executable permission... ("/usr/share/mime")
file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:261:18: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool
trying to show an empty dialog
No file found for ".xml" , even though update-mime-info said it would exist.
Either it was just removed, or the directory doesn't have executable permission... ("/usr/share/mime")
kf5.kpackage: No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "~/Изображения/wallpaper/"

Please help.


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