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KDE plasma widgets problem

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KDE plasma widgets problem

Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:20 pm
Hello, I'm new to KDE. I got a problem about installing widgets by panel. My installing steps by following: Add Widgets -> get new widgets-> Download New Plasma Widgets.
And then click on the "install" button. When finished, I cannot find the newly installed widgets on my widget panel. Like this:

What happened with this issue? Can anyone help me?

These are the systems on my computer:
Linux distribution version is debian 9.
KDE plasma version is 5.8.6.
KDE framework version is 5.28.0.
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Re: KDE plasma widgets problem

Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:37 pm
After they are installed, they should be available to add from the Add Widgets panel. If they aren't showing up in the Add Widgets panel then something may not be working with the installation (some widgets may not work when installed through Download New Plasma Widgets). Which widgets did you try to install?

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
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Re: KDE plasma widgets problem

Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:23 pm
airdrik wrote:After they are installed, they should be available to add from the Add Widgets panel. If they aren't showing up in the Add Widgets panel then something may not be working with the installation (some widgets may not work when installed through Download New Plasma Widgets). Which widgets did you try to install?

I want to install Ksmoothdock, just like the image I post. But here comes a question, I tried to install widgets by panel, but I failed two times. I'm not sure if both of widgets not work through panel. And I also tried to install Ksmoothdock through "Discover", still not work.
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Re: KDE plasma widgets problem

Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:53 pm
shunhsu wrote:I want to install Ksmoothdock, just like the image I post. But here comes a question, I tried to install widgets by panel, but I failed two times. I'm not sure if both of widgets not work through panel. And I also tried to install Ksmoothdock through "Discover", still not work.

You could install Qml plasma widgets (scripts) from the plasma widget browser or Discover but as the developer tells:

Note: KSmoothDock is a standalone application, not a Plasma Widget. However, it is placed in this category temporarily while waiting for a more suitable one.


You can either install from a binary package or from the source code package.

Option 1. (Preferably) Download and install from a binary package: Currently there is a DEB package for the Debian distribution and its derivatives (Ubuntu, Mint etc).

Option 2. If you want to install from the source code (for example, if a package for your Linux distribution is not available), download the source code package and follow the steps below:
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Re: KDE plasma widgets problem

Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:48 pm
Rog131 wrote:
shunhsu wrote:I want to install Ksmoothdock, just like the image I post. But here comes a question, I tried to install widgets by panel, but I failed two times. I'm not sure if both of widgets not work through panel. And I also tried to install Ksmoothdock through "Discover", still not work.

You could install Qml plasma widgets (scripts) from the plasma widget browser or Discover but as the developer tells:

Note: KSmoothDock is a standalone application, not a Plasma Widget. However, it is placed in this category temporarily while waiting for a more suitable one.


You can either install from a binary package or from the source code package.

Option 1. (Preferably) Download and install from a binary package: Currently there is a DEB package for the Debian distribution and its derivatives (Ubuntu, Mint etc).

Option 2. If you want to install from the source code (for example, if a package for your Linux distribution is not available), download the source code package and follow the steps below:

I tried to download .deb package on the website, and the .deb package is now in my /Downloads directory. However, I failed to unpack my KSmoothDock .deb package. Some errors occurred. Like this:
It seems like my system has some problems. But I cannot understand what the error message means.
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Re: KDE plasma widgets problem

Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:07 pm
shunhsu wrote:I tried to download .deb package on the website, and the .deb package is now in my /Downloads directory. However, I failed to unpack my KSmoothDock .deb package. Some errors occurred. Like this:

It seems like my system has some problems. But I cannot understand what the error message means.

Please, don't use screen captures when you have the error message from the terminal. You could simply copy&paste the text.

The 'dpkg' doesn't solve the package dependencies. It just unpacks and installs the files from the .deb package.

Searching with the 'debian install deb package': How to install a deb file, by dpkg -i or by apt?: ... -or-by-apt
So if you have a .deb file:

You can install it using sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file followed by sudo apt-get install -f.

Why to use sudo apt-get install -f after sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file (mentioned in first method).
From man apt-get

-f, --fix-broken
Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place.
When dpkg install a package and package dependency is not satisfied, it leaves the package in unconfigured state and that package is considered as broken.

sudo apt-get install -f command tries to fix this broken package by installing the missing dependency.


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