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OpenGL on Plasma 5 Wallpaper?

Tags: wallpaper, opengl, qml, qt quick, plasmoid wallpaper, opengl, qml, qt quick, plasmoid wallpaper, opengl, qml, qt quick, plasmoid
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OpenGL on Plasma 5 Wallpaper?

Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:42 am

I am new to the Plasma world so accept my apologies in advance if I did not use the right terminology.

I recently found out that it was possible to use a QML script (Plasmoid) as a wallpaper in Plasma 5. That is pretty cool and I was able to display some animated content based QT's built-in items after looking into the code of Video Wallpaper.

Now I am wondering whether it would be possible to render OpenGL content as well, given that in principle Qt Quick can provide an OpenGL context. would an app like OpenGL-under QML example be supported?

I guess the implementation would require that I can compile, register and instantiate my own Qt Quick Item class that provides the OpenGL fucntionality but I have not found how to do that. A call to something like
Code: Select all
needs to take place before the .qml file is loaded and that does not seem possible here.


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